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- ; OPT l- ; Make executable code (DevPac etc.)
- EXEOBJ ; Make executable code (Macro68 etc.)
- ; Note: Comment EXEOBJ out and remove semi-colon from first line
- ; if you are using DevPac or some compatible assembler
- *****************************************************************
- * xSum.asm V1.0 *
- * simple example for XPK interface by Ch.Schneider *
- *****************************************************************
- * Sums up all bytes in compressed or uncompressed file *
- * This is a typical read-and-process xpk application. *
- * Try it out... xSum a file, then compress it and xSum *
- * it again. The result should be the same. *
- * NOTE: Only start this from CLI! No WBStartup *
- * included for simplicity! No CLI Parsing is done! *
- *****************************************************************
- OUTPUT xSum ; Output to file "xSum" (Macro68, DevPac, etc.)
- ; OBJFILE "xSum" ; Output to file "xSum" (Adapt etc.)
- INCLUDE xpk/xpk.i
- ************* Kludge to get around include problem :-)) ********
- ; Note: Not everyone really needs this stuff: Macro68 provides
- ; the possibility to have resident & preassembled includes ;-) TINAR :-)
- _LVOAllocMem EQU -198
- _LVOFreeMem EQU -210
- _LVOOpenLibrary EQU -552
- _LVOCloseLibrary EQU -414
- _LVOOpen EQU -30
- _LVOClose EQU -36
- _LVOWrite EQU -48
- _LVOOutput EQU -60
- CALLSYS MACRO ; call a library via A6 without having to see _LVO
- JSR _LVO\1(A6)
- ********* EOK (End-Of-Kludge :-) ***********
- start:
- clr.b -1(a0,d0.l) ; Convert LF to 0
- move.l a0,filename ; Store commandline (no parsing!)
- **************** Opening libraries **************
- move.l 4,a6 ; ExecBase
- lea dosname,a1
- moveq #0,d0 ; We don't care about version numbers
- CALLSYS OpenLibrary
- lea CannotOpenDosTxt,a0
- move.l d0,dosbase ; Store DOS Library base!
- beq cleanup ; ERROR -> Exit
- lea xpkname,a1
- moveq #0,d0 ; We don't care about version numbers
- CALLSYS OpenLibrary
- lea CannotOpenXPKTxt,a0
- move.l d0,xpkbase ; Store XPK Library base!
- beq cleanup ; ERROR -> Exit
- **************** Loading (and perhaps decrunching) file **************
- move.l xpkbase,a6 ; XPKBase to A6
- lea tags,a0
- CALLSYS XpkUnpack
- tst.l d0
- beq noerrorloadingfile
- **************** Error loading file **************
- lea errbuf,a0
- move.l a0,a1
- 1$
- tst.b (a1)+
- bne 1$ ; Get terminating NULL
- move.b #10,-(a1) ; Convert it to a LF
- bra cleanup
- **************** Calculating Sum **************
- noerrorloadingfile:
- move.l outbuf,a0
- moveq #0,d0
- move.l outlen,d7
- 1$
- moveq #0,d1
- move.b (a0)+,d1
- add.l d1,d0 ; Calculate Sum...
- subq.l #1,d7
- bne 1$
- bsr printnumber ; Simple number printing routine
- suba.l a0,a0 ; No error msg
- ************ General Cleanup Routine *************
- cleanup:
- bsr print ; Print error msg!
- move.l 4,a6
- move.l outbuf,d0
- beq 1$
- move.l d0,a1
- move.l outbuflen,d0
- CALLSYS FreeMem ; Free XPK output buffer
- 1$
- move.l xpkbase,d0
- beq 2$ ; Library not open
- move.l d0,a1
- CALLSYS CloseLibrary ; Close XPK library
- 2$
- move.l dosbase,d0
- beq 3$ ; Library not open
- move.l d0,a1
- CALLSYS CloseLibrary ; Close Dos library
- 3$
- moveq #0,d0 ; No error code!
- rts
- ********************** Support routines ********************
- *************** Simple Decimal Number Printing Routine *****
- printnumber: ; D0 = Number
- movem.l d2-d7/a2-a6,-(a7)
- lea numberbuffer,a0
- lea powertentable,a1
- move.l a0,a2
- moveq #'0',d2
- 1$
- move.l (a1)+,d1
- beq 4$
- cmp.l d1,d0
- blo 1$
- 2$
- moveq #'0'-1,d2
- 3$
- addq.b #1,d2
- sub.l d1,d0
- bcc 3$
- add.l d1,d0
- 4$
- move.b d2,(a2)+
- move.l (a1)+,d1
- bne 2$
- move.b #10,(a2)+ ; Append LF!
- clr.b (a2)
- bsr print ; Output string
- movem.l (a7)+,d2-d7/a2-a6
- rts
- *************** Print String routine *****
- print: ; A0 = String
- movem.l d2-d7/a2-a6,-(a7)
- move.l a0,d2
- beq 99$ ; No string!
- moveq #-1,d3
- 1$
- addq.l #1,d3
- tst.b (a0)+ ; Calc string length!
- bne 1$
- move.l dosbase,d0
- beq 99$ ; No Doslibrary!
- move.l d0,a6
- CALLSYS Output ; Get output filehandle
- move.l d0,d1 ; Filehandle
- beq 99$ ; No Output!
- CALLSYS Write ; Write string!
- 99$
- movem.l (a7)+,d2-d7/a2-a6
- rts
- ***************************************
- *************** DATA Part *************
- ***************************************
- SECTION data,data
- dosbase: dc.l 1
- xpkbase: dc.l 1
- powertentable:
- dc.l 1000000000
- dc.l 100000000
- dc.l 10000000
- dc.l 1000000
- dc.l 100000
- dc.l 10000
- dc.l 1000
- dc.l 100
- dc.l 10
- dc.l 1
- dc.l 0
- dc.l 0
- tags:
- dc.l XPK_InName
- filename: dc.l 0 ; The file name to be read
- dc.l XPK_GetError,errbuf ; A pointer to the error message buffer
- dc.l XPK_GetOutBuf
- dc.l outbuf ; Sets a pointer to the output buffer
- dc.l XPK_GetOutLen
- dc.l outlen ; Sets the number of bytes written
- dc.l XPK_GetOutBufLen
- dc.l outbuflen ; Sets the length of the output buffer
- dc.l XPK_PassThru,-1 ; Will pass through uncompressed data
- dc.l TAG_DONE
- outbuf: ds.l 1
- outlen: ds.l 1
- outbuflen: ds.l 1
- ************** Byte size Data ***********
- errbuf: ds.b XPKERRMSGSIZE+1 ; +1 to make room for LF
- numberbuffer: ds.b 12 ; Space for 10 digits + LF + 0
- dosname: dc.b 'dos.library',0
- xpkname: XPKNAME
- CannotOpenDosTxt: dc.b "Cannot open dos.library!",10,0
- CannotOpenXPKTxt: dc.b "Cannot open xpkmaster.library!",10,0